Monday, April 20, 2009

HE gives me Life!

Man, I love these guys!!!

This is the meaning of 'Pure Joy'

AND this is the picture of what I woke up to this morning!!

Oh, I *sigh* at the wonder of your mysteries of the sea and sky,

when the earth cries out for water.

That is why I say thank you...Oh Lord, I labor for breath at your Creation.

Your Majesty has my Attention, your Sovereignty has my Devotion...

and YOU still have my Heart! (thank you Rita Springer)

Recently, I spent some time in one of my favorite places,

and while I was there

I had an opportunity to

meet new people.

As my eyes were opened to the lives of others,

I found myself engaged in conversation using the

only visual aides I could find.

(anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE visual aides!)

So, here is the discussion I provided for my new friends.

#1 Start Moving: Stay Busy:

If you get a headache or neck ache take Aleve.

(that is my favorite pain reliever)

For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

#2 Get a good phone line: Talk to the Lord ALL DAY LONG!!!
You shall know the truth and the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32

#3 Make your home beautiful!! HOME SWEET HOME!

Don't Let the bugs in!!
No harm shall befall you, no danger come near your tent. Psalm 91:10

#4 Fix the Cracks or leaks!! If your basement floods...CALL A PLUMBER....
even if it is in the middle of the night!!! (that happen to us...and yes, it was expensive)
He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11

And this picture is just for me, it makes me smile....and reminds me to 'remain healthy'.

#5. Don't let your self-esteem get too is hard work trying to rebuild. (believe me)

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Philippians 4:8


  1. Don't know where you get these but keep em coming you keep me moving forward!!!

  2. i love you my sweet precious friend - i am in desperate need of that "welcome spring" pedicure :)
