This is a true story from shortly after Shaun and I got married, probably year 2000. I will preface ...I believe "every decision is a spiritual decision"...
We had visited his family in California and for some reason were returning home via the Colorado Springs Airport (probably cheaper flights) I remembered...looking over at a sickly child on the airplane and thinking, "Oh that poor kid, he has to fly and he doesn't even feel good"
Then we got to the luggage carousel and I saw him again with his dad.
(I have always had an attraction to little kids)
However, the little kid I saw was in a long brown suit coat with a sickly look on his face.
We waited and waited for our luggage that night.
I thought it would never come.
We were there with every high school volley ball team in the US ...they were heading to the Olympic Training Center for something big that was going on.
Then I looked over and saw my little man (the brown suit coat boy) and his family praying and thought..."oh cool, they are believers too"...
It was shortly after that, the luggage came. And Shaun and I drove home.
I had one day off then returned to work at my favorite job in the world, pre-mom of course! I was a Registered Nurse in the Denver Children's Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
They just built a new hospital in the last few years, and someday, I am going to see it.
I woke up, went to work my 7a-7p shift that morning and received report on my one patient who was a 2 year old male with a newly diagnosed neuroblastoma.
A neuroblastoma is a rare malignancy that is known for 6-10% of all childhood cancers, but is the most common extra cranial solid cancer in childhood. My patient had symptoms of a swollen belly, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, and fever; his mass was found in the abdomen.
I walked in and glanced at the grim picture of the sleeping patient.
All parents are asked to leave during the hour of report
(so please know this picture is not mine, thank you Flickr...same curtains)
I walked through the room and saw a sign hanging above the bed reading
"Will worship for a miracle"...and I thought..."NOW THAT IS COOL"
It was when I completed my head to toe assessment that I realized the same little boy that I had been on the flight to Colo. Springs with was my primary care patient for the next 3 months of intense chemotherapy and intensive care. Talk about needing an hour of power each morning!
I learned so much from this family during those months.
I learned what it meant to live by faith.
I learned what it meant to leave everything for your children.
I learned what it meant to truly 'worship for a miracle'.
I praise the Lord for his
healing touch on Dillon Jones!
And this is just ONE of my patients!
I am reminded of him each year as they continue to send me their Christmas Card.
Thank You!
Do you know what the Coolest Part of all is?
Today...during my 'Hour of Power'...the Lord told me...
I know why I LOVE the hospital so much!
It is my safe haven!
I know the Great Physician who roams the halls!
He is NEEDED there!
He is especially needed in the sickest of sickest rooms...
that is why I have always LOVED the ICU!
You ask me "What about Church Courtney?.....that is God's house"
I know. He told me He is there, but you will see His glory when He is invited to Move.