You may wonder what I have been up to lately.
(seeing that my last blog was Mother's Day)
Well, as you probably know, I truly enjoy my job!
I am a registered nurse at Children's Hospital Colorado.
I work in the PACU, or Post Anesthesia Care Unit.
We have taken on the task of creating a quarterly newsletter for our staff.
Everyone submitted names and voted...
the result "Emerging Press"
(for those of you who did not know, we care for the
patients as they 'emerge' from anesthesia)
Here is a small look at our premier issue!

Each RN on the newsletter team submitted an
article of their choosing.
A balance of fun and professionalism.

I chose to submit a certification review!

I loved using MSPublisher and Photoshop
to create the
end result!

Thanks to the newsletter staff who helped to make it look so good!
Then, I must tell you about something that has
happened to me in the recent weeks.
Little did I know, my friend Kristen,
nominated me for the 'Daisy Award'...
something that I have known about and only
dreamed of winning. (I only know one RN who has
received it...shout out to Regina)
Well, yes, they surprised me and made me tear up when the
entire nursing admin team showed up with
Cinnabons for everyone, a huge banner, statue and award.
This is my new pin.
(Nurses love pins)

This is my beautiful statue from Africa!

This is the banner that is hanging in the unit.

And my award....that someday I might place in
my very own office.
(or home office)

Thank you to Kristen, and all the nurses I work with
for helping this to be the most memorable
summer ever!
So, as you can see, yes, I have been a little busy.
Not to mention, we are currently in the
process of buying a beautiful home!
Happy Fourth of July!